Get a FREE White Noise Generator with your purchase!This is NOT. . . just another "Bug Detector" - Includes Super-Sensitive Headphones that allow you to "Listen-In" to everything that the Eavesdropper is Monitoring!Quickly Detects Analog and Digital Telephone Taps . . . Room Bugs . . . Concealed Video Cameras, GPS Vehicle Tracking Devices and the devastating "Infinity Device"Detection Frequency just Upgraded to as high as 8GHz (that’s 8,000 MHz) and quickly detects the newest Eavesdropping Devices including the latest Digital 5.8GHz Transmitters. And, now even detects the very latest Cell Phone bugging devices.Could someone be "LISTENING-IN" or WATCHING You?.Don't for a minute believe that an eavesdropper requires any type of large, complicated transmitting device (many are smaller than 1 inch) . . .or that Listening Devices are only used by secret government agencies . . or that the devices cost thousands of dollars!
As you read this, many "police-grade" telephone taps and bugs are presently being offered to the general public by a number of firms for incredibly low prices. Countless individuals and firms are being enormously damaged by having their private telephone conversations overheard, monitored and recorded!. Fax and computer transmissions are also regularly intercepted.
And, almost without exception and AFTER the fact, the victims make a statement something along the lines of . . .
"But, I Never Thought That It Would Happen to Me!"If you fear that your rooms may be bugged or your telephones tapped, an efficient, combination Bug Detector and Telephone Tap Detector is exactly what you need to provide full protection against all the variations of the latest techniques now employed by today's Eavesdroppers.
DONT LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU!In response to the overwhelming demand from businesses and individuals for an economical, yet completely dependable Bug Detector, our engineers have recently developed the Combination Bug Detector, BugTRAKpro.
The BugTRAKpro's unique and exclusive Bug Detection circuitry will detect and locate all the major categories of eavesdropping bugs and taps including:"SERIES" AND "PARALLEL" TELEPHONE TRANSMITTERS BUMPER BEEPERS, BODY TRANSMITTERS ALL TYPES OF CONCEALED TRANSMITERS COMPUTER and FAX EAVESDROPPING TRANSMITTERS GPS VEHICLE TRACKING DEVICES TRANSMITTING VIDEO CAMERAS (Spy-Cams) ALL TYPES OF "INFINITY" DEVICESA true engineering breakthrough in bug detection, the extremely versatile BugTRAKpro combines a Wide Spectrum Miniature Bug Detector and an Ultra-Sophisticated Telephone Tap Detector in one compact 5" x 3" x 3/4" package, only slightly larger than a pack of cigarettes!.
No External Antenna Required. Our exclusive proprietary circuitry allows for complete concealment of the antenna inside the BugTRAKpro. Virtually all other effective Telephone Tap Detectors and Bug Detectors require a bulky external antenna making it almost impossible to conduct covert sweeps when searching in sensitive areas or for concealed cameras (Spy-Cams).
And, the BugTRAKpro also has the unique capability of detecting Eavesdropping transmitters (including body wires, telephone transmitters, burst bugs and Frequency Hoppers) without providing notification to the eavesdropper. In other words, the eavesdropper will never know that he has been exposed because the BugTRAKpro will silently notify you whenever transmitters come within 25 ft. This makes the BTPRO Combination Bug Detector ideal for conducting "covert" sweeps for all types of transmitters and telephone taps.
Today's Eavesdroppers are not fools.They have now raised the Transmitting Frequency of their Bugs and Telephone Taps to above 3GHz. This very effectively evades detection and allows them to continue to Eavesdrop on unsuspecting individuals. However, the BTPRO's very broad Detection Range of 1MHz to 8GHz also protects against these newest Analog, Digital and Spread Spectrum Ultra-High Frequency Transmitters.
EASY OPERATION . . . Features Automatic Sensitivity Control. And, the BTPRO also has the unique capability of detecting Eavesdropping transmitters whenever they come within 25 ft. And, as the transmitter is approached, the BTPRO automatically switches sensitivity to the 1 ft. range. It then "homes-in" on the bug and immediately locates it. Extremely easy to operate as everything is automatic and no sensitivity adjustment is required.
Not only does the BTPRO quickly and easily detect the very latest Transmitters, it also detects one of the most popular Devices used by today's Eavesdroppers known as the INFINITY Device!. Beware of the INFINITY Device! (also known as Hook-Switch Bypass, Third Wire Tap, Harmonica Bug, etc.)
Eavesdroppers Now Monitor Your Confidential Conversations With Your Telephone "Down On The Hook!".Everyone is aware of the widespread eavesdropping presently used to monitor telephone conversations and very few individuals now speak freely on the telephone. You know it . . . We know it . . . The government knows it . . .AND, THE EAVESDROPPER KNOWS IT! He is completely aware of the fact that he will learn very little "useful" information by monitoring your telephone conversations. So now, over 95% of the time he doesn't even try! HE HAS SOMETHING FAR, FAR BETTER! He knows that while you won't speak freely on the telephone anymore, whenever your telephone is "down on the hook", your guard is also down. You'll speak confidentially to your wife . . . your business partner . . . your attorney . . . and usually give little, if any, thought to eavesdropping. THAT is when you are most vulnerable. And, THAT is exactly when today's eavesdropper now strikes!
Very few eavesdroppers plant a transmitter and patiently sit 300 - 1,000 ft. away from the subject and remotely monitor a receiver. That is far too costly, time consuming and just plain uncomfortable. He would much rather monitor your premises whenever and from wherever he chooses!. And, that is precisely what the many variations of the INFINITY Device allows him to do. He simply calls your telephone number and using a variety of electronic methods, prevents your telephone from ringing and then turns your telephone into a Super-Sensitive Listening Device. He can now monitor all the conversations and even the slightest whispers in the room where the telephone (still on the hook) now innocently sits.
AND, HE DOESN'T EVEN NEED ACCESS TO YOUR PREMISES!The BTPRO Immediately Detects INFINITY Devices. The BTPRO now ALSO provides complete protection against all types of INFINITY Devices by immediately detecting their presence. Easily plugs into telephone like an extension telephone. And, not only does the BTPRO detect a concealed INFINITY DEVICE, the Super-Sensitive Headphones included will also allow you to actually "LISTEN-IN" to everything that the eavesdropper is monitoring!
The extremely high detection frequency and sensitivity of the BTPRO has undoubtedly been an important factor in the decision to purchase our Telephone Tap Detectors and Bug Detectors by countless private investigators, security forces, police departments and government agencies all across the country.
If you want to protect your privacy, the BTPRO is absolutely the best all around, most economical effective combination Bug Detector and Telephone Tap Detector available anywhere on the entire Internet.
The BTPRO STANDARD KIT Includes: Headphones Batteries Operating Instructions. Info Guide on Bug SweepingThe Optional BTPRO UPGRADED KIT Includes:everything in the standard kit wired camera finder nice pelican carrying case (black)Get a FREE White Noise Generator with your purchase!
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